Fox Chapel Marine

Inspect Your Trailer For Spring

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Don’t just rely on your annual trailer state inspection, be sure to do your own visual inspection each time you plan to hit the road.

Carefully, look over the trailer tires for worn sidewalls, low tread grooves or signs of cracking. Any of those are indicators it is time to replace your tire. If your bunks are showing any sign of damage be sure to have it repaired or replaced to prevent damage to your boat’s hull when pulling the boat on or off the trailer. Test your trailer’s winch to ensure it is working properly and inspect the cable or strap for excessive wear. Check the lights and brakes to ensure proper operation. Grease your bearing buddies and finally inspect the safety chains for rust, breaks or signs of any weakness. Drive safe!


Schedule an appointment today by filling out the form below or give us a call at (412) 967-1500!

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Fox Chapel Boater’s Store Spring Trailer Check List

Check it before you move it

  • Tires—Check tire condition and air pressure on all tires, including spare before hitting the road.
  • Safety chain—Your safety chain should crisscross beneath the trailer tongue and attach to the vehicle to support the trailer should it come un-hitched.
  • Bearings-Add grease to Bearing Buddies or pop off grease caps and add grease as needed.
  • Bunks and Rollers—Do these supports look to be in good condition? DO they support the hull? Poorly maintained bunks and rollers can cause scratches and damage to hull.
  • Winch and strap. Make sure these are in working order before launch to prevent injury.
  • Lights and wiring. Test brake lights, turn signals and flashers before travel.

Tip: In Pennsylvania, all trailers over 3500lbs or any trailer with brakes requires annual inspection.

Come see us at the Boater’s Store for all your boating needs. We are here for you!

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